Informatics Havana 2022

Conference: “Monedero móvil: Mi Transfer an alternative for e-commerce in Cuba”

Tomado de / Autor: Institutional Communication Office
11 de March de 2024

Monedero móvil: Mi Transfer an alternative for e-commerce in Cuba”, MSc. Julio A. García Trápaga, Cuba. Proposal for a conference which will take place in the sessions of 11th International Telecommunications Symposium, at the International Convention and Fair Informática 2024.

The presentation shows the constant evolution of Transfermóvil, transforming what the country is developing in terms of e-commerce. The new inclusive service Mi Transfer is presented, through the Transfermóvil platform, where people can make payments as if they had magnetic cards. Functionally, it allows online payments to be made where possible.

The 11th International Telecommunications Symposium will be aimed at creating an appropriate setting to present the main progress in terms of telecommunications in Cuba, exchanging ideas and knowledge among our specialists and experts from Latin America, the Caribbean and other countries with development in this field, as well as presenting the latest scientific and technological advances and their contribution to the services provided to society. It will also serve to strengthen relations and stimulate the development of innovative solutions in response to the new challenges of the sector with other companies, universities and international organizations and to discuss experiences that contribute to improve our processes, increase efficiency and promote new business opportunities. It will be held in virtual, face-to-face and combined modalities in a single event.


How to take part?

Informática 2024 conceives the possibility of participation in the face-to-face and online modalities at its Scientific Convention and virtually at the Exhibition Fair.

Know the forms of participation in each one.