Informatics Havana 2022

Conference: Geophysical and environmental applications require remotely sensed data, artificial intelligence and machine learning, but always above all human capability and expertise

Tomado de / Autor: Institutional Communication Office
25 de January de 2024

As part of the 13th International Congress on Geomatics, in the context of the International Convention and Fair Informática 2024, we will have the Conference: Geophysical and environmental applications require remotely sensed data, artificial intelligence and machine learning, but always above all human capability and expertise, Dr.Sc. Maurizio Fea, Italy.

The basic theme of research in any discipline of geomatics is the multidisciplinarity of the various activities. The technological development made available to researchers very advanced tools and methodologies and high performance algorithms, however, the most effective use of all this technology happens when to pilot and integrate everything is the human capacity and experience.



How to take part?

Informática 2024 conceives the possibility of participation in the face-to-face and online modalities at its Scientific Convention and virtually at the Exhibition Fair.

Know the forms of participation in each one.