Informatics Havana 2022

Minister of Communications: The greatest value of Informática 2024 is its scientific impact

Tomado de / Autor: Cubadebate
22 de March de 2024

Minister of Communications Mayra Arévich Marín told Cubadebate that the greatest value of the International Convention and Fair Informática 2024 is its scientific impact.


“We have dedicated keynotes to new disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain. We have also talked about all the challenges we have concerning digital transformation. We had a high-level panel where ministers from several countries participated,” the minister said.


“In such a difficult situation we have in the country, with a great effort of the economic stakeholders linked to ICT, we have been able to show what we have done so far.” she added.

Arévich Marín, who presides over the International Convention and Fair Informática 2024, acknowledged that “we still have a long way to go.”

She considered that “one of the fundamental challenges we face, especially in the software industry, is the integration of all the actors in order to provide answers to the country’s fundamental problems through science and innovation, and also to achieve better welfare for the population with these solutions”.


The Minister of Communications highlighted that the main objectives of the fair are ” bringing us closer together, integrating us, learning and sharing. I believe we are achieving this.”

On the occasion of the presentation of the new versions of toDus, Picta and Apklis, developed by Z-17 -a team associated with UCI, Etecsa and the Havana Technology Park-, Arévich Marín said that “we are in a position to enjoy digital content and messaging platforms very similar to what we do in the Internet environment, but which are sovereign.


She noted that the development of these platforms will make it possible to offer not only applications on Apklis, but also to publish content on Picta.

“I think what we have to do is to approach Cuban products, which have at this minute the same benefits of those we enjoy separately on the Internet,” she asserted.


The minister pointed out that Cuba has two sovereign digital payment platforms: Transfermóvil and EnZona, and considered it important that more users use Etecsa’s MiTransfer wallet.


La ministra de Comunicaciones recalcó que los objetivos fundamentales de la feria son “acercarnos, integrarnos, aprender y compartir. Creo que lo vamos logrando”.

Con motivo de la presentación de las nuevas versiones de toDus, Picta y Apklis, desarrolladas por Z-17 –un equipo asociado a la UCI, Etecsa y el Parque Tecnológico de La Habana–, Arévich Marín sostuvo que “estamos en condiciones de disfrutar plataformas digitales de contenido y mensajería muy semejantes a lo que hacemos en el entorno de internet, pero que son soberanas”.

Señaló que el desarrollo de estas plataformas va a permitir que se pueda ofrecer no solamente aplicaciones en Apklis, sino también publicar contenido en Picta.

“Creo que lo que hay que hacer es acercarse a los desarrollos cubanos, que tienen en este minuto las mismas prestaciones de los que disfrutamos por separado en internet”, afirmó.

La ministra destacó que Cuba cuenta con dos plataformas digitales de pago soberanas: Transfermóvil y EnZona, y estimó importante que más usuarios utilicen el monedero MiTransfer, de Etecsa.

How to take part?

Informática 2024 conceives the possibility of participation in the face-to-face and online modalities at its Scientific Convention and virtually at the Exhibition Fair.

Know the forms of participation in each one.