Conference/panel: Interoperability platform of the State of Bolivia
Conference/panel: Interoperability platform of the State of Bolivia, MSc. Vladimir Terán, Bolivia. Informática 2024 Convention, Workshop on observatories and scientific production in the context of the digital transformation of society.
The background for the development of the platform will be analyzed, highlighting efficiency and transparency in public administration. The architecture used and the upward history of the services provided will be described. The fundamental characteristics and the benefits obtained for the state and Bolivian citizens are highlighted.
MSc. Vladimir Terán: He has a degree in Computer Science from the Universidad Mayor de San Andres – UMSA; he has a Masters in Information Systems Management from the Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo (UCB) and Business Administration and Management MADE at the Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB). He also took postgraduate courses in Computer Science and Computing at the University of Cantabria – Spain (CIDES-UMSA, Client/Server system designer at (JICA-JAPAN), Systems Auditing (EMI) among others.
He is currently Executive General Director of the Agency of Electronic Government and Information and Communication Technologies (AGETIC); for 9 years he was National Manager of Information and Communication Technologies at the National Tax Service of Bolivia; he was systems consultant at the Vice-Ministry of Tax Policy, Vice-Ministry of Treasury and Public Credit, Standards Unit, ILACO Project, Ministry of Planning, Vice-Ministry of Budget, National Customs of Bolivia.
Among the most relevant projects were the design and implementation of the State Contracting System SICOES, the Subnational Debt Management System SAIDS, the implementation of DATACNETER of the National Tax Service, the computer system of the Plurinational Notary’s Office SINPLU, the Commercial Registry System SEPREC, and is currently working on the new system of Real Rights.
He also tutored theses and taught for more than 10 years in different universities, including UMSA, UCB, UNIVALLE, UDABOL, Nuestra Señora de la Paz, among others.