Conference/panel: Trends in enabling technologies for digital transformation in Cuba. A look through scientific production
Trends in enabling technologies for digital transformation in Cuba. A look through scientific production, Dra.C. Yudayly Stable Rodríguez, Cuba, Informática 2024 Convention Workshop on observatories and scientific production in the context of the digital transformation of society.
The main trends of Cuban research on enabling technologies for digital transformation will be analyzed, based on its scientific activity and features present in its intellectual, social and thematic structure, through the use of production, impact and collaboration indicators; at the same time, the behavior of these technologies with respect to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals will be presented.
Dr.Sc. Yudayly Stable Rodríguez Doctor of Science from the Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technologies. Master in Management and Industrial Engineering from the University of Matanzas, Cuba. She has completed specialization courses in Information Management, Science Projects and Business Management. She is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Scientific and Technological Information of Cuba (IDICT), where she is also a consultant on issues of information and knowledge management, human capital, competencies, processes, R+D+i. Member of the Scientific Committee of several congresses and events. She currently coordinates research projects such as Data Management Model for the Scientific, Technological and Innovation Observatory, Methodology for Technology Transformation. She has participated as a lecturer or speaker in several national and international conferences and has published several scientific articles. As a professor she teaches subjects related to strategic management, information and knowledge management, human capital, innovation and R&D evaluation. At the University of Havana she teaches in the Master’s Program of Science Management, in the modules Human Capital and Knowledge Management, as well as in the career of Industrial Engineering where she has directed several theses in some of the teaching levels, in turn she has lectured courses at UNAM, the Colombian School of Engineering, EAFIT University, Minuto de Dios University and the Polytechnic Institute Jaime Izasa of Colombia. She has been a guest professor at the School of Advanced Technologies and Industry, the University of Lyon 3, and the Sordonne University of Paris.