Informatics Havana 2022

Conference: So that everything that is solid does not vanish into thin air

Tomado de / Autor: Institutional Communication Office
4 de March de 2024

So that everything that is solid does not vanish into thin air, Dr.C. Manuel Ángel Calviño Valdés-Fauly, Cuba. Proposal for a conference which will take place in the sessions of 8th International Workshop “ICT in Organizational Management”, at the International Convention and Fair Informática 2024.

Industrial revolutions have brought with them a rethinking of the problem of alienation. Just as it was a source of antagonistic conflicts in the first (18th century), it would seem that from the third (20th century) onwards, first dissimulation and then frenzy, achieve a “lighter” version of the clash, but no less dangerous (probably more so). So that the real human being is not diluted in the avatars of technological impetuosity, it is necessary to build not only alliances, but also shields. To generate attitudes of vocation and humanistic exercise, so that the soul does not suffer trembling in its loneliness. To continue being “the most born” of the social processes (political, economic, technological, cultural) is the challenge to human existence, whose realization not only supposes the enrichment of the essence of the human, but also of its productions, including the technological ones.

The purpose of the 8th International Workshop “ICT in Organizational Management”, to provide an appropriate framework for participants to learn and share the best experiences in the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the management of organizations. For this reason, all those with best practices that help to promote digital transformation in companies and other entities are invited to attend this workshop. It has three main thematic areas: digital transformation of the entities, generation and safe exploitation of technologies, and management of knowledge and innovation in organizations. The content and development of the workshop is organized by a Scientific Committee made up of representatives of the most important universities and companies that develop IT solutions in the country, and we will be attended by prestigious Cuban and foreign specialists who will participate as speakers, lecturers and analysts in the round tables and panels.


How to take part?

Informática 2024 conceives the possibility of participation in the face-to-face and online modalities at its Scientific Convention and virtually at the Exhibition Fair.

Know the forms of participation in each one.