Informatics Havana 2022


Tomado de / Autor: Trabajadores Newspaper
10 de November de 2023

Next March, the 19th International Convention and Fair Informática 2024 will be held at the same time as the 3rd International Patria Colloquium, which will bring together technological innovations in research, innovation and development of ICT in different fields.

The announcement was made at the Havana International Fair, which takes place at Expocuba, by the president of the IT and Communications Business Group (GEIC), Ariadne Plasencia Castro, as a preamble to a panel of successful experiences in digital transformation.

The real-time information board on the evolution of COVID-19 in Cuba, developed by Juventud Técnica, in collaboration with and Matcom, was one of the projects presented, together with the digital signature for tax returns, introduced by the National Tax Administration Office with the company Desoft.

It was also informed that the convention will be held from March 19 to 22 and accreditation is already open on the site On December 1st, the contracting of spaces and the personalized calls to professionals will start, Plasencia explained.

The International Patria Colloquium, meanwhile, is an initiative of the Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC), which seeks to promote the exchange of ideas on digital political communication and the development of ideas to strategically articulate collaborative projects, technologies and training of the left-wing in Latin America and the Caribbean.

By joining forces with Informática 2024, Cuba seeks to become a favorable space to promote a new international communicational order and project sovereign technologies that can be shared. The technology fair will also reissue a space called “ICT Panorama in Cuba” in which applications and solutions that more specifically in the last period, have had a relevant role in the digital transformation and the contribution of the sector to the development of the country will be shown.

In coordination with the Union of Cuban Computer Scientists, the results of the whole country in this field will also be shown, and it is expected to involve professionals who do not necessarily participate as exhibitors. This edition is expected to be attended by business people and leaders of Cuban state-owned enterprises, entrepreneurs, representatives of non-Cuban state-owned management and foreign business people.

The fair is a commercial space in which results that can generate alliances, contracts, linkages and other forms of connection among its attendees are exhibited. At the closing of the meeting, Wilfredo González Vidal, First Deputy Minister of Communications, praised the selection of experiences, including such sensitive areas as public health, and announced that a new version of the digital transformation strategy for the country will be ready soon.


How to take part?

Informática 2024 conceives the possibility of participation in the face-to-face and online modalities at its Scientific Convention and virtually at the Exhibition Fair.

Know the forms of participation in each one.